Saturday, July 16, 2011

What does this dream mean!?

A while ago I had a really sad dream. There were these two old women that looked like each other, they might have been twins, idk. They were both kind of tall and had orange/gray curly hair. Kind of like my grandmas hair, but my grandmas hair is really orange, and she's not very tall. The two old women were in a house that I don't recognize, it had tan walls and tan carpeting. The two old women were dying while going down a small staircase. They would fall and choke and stuff. They'd try to save each other, but they were both dying. Me and my sister and this random black and white cat that I don't recognize, were just watching. I tried to move and go help but my feet wouldn't budge. I tried grabbing the carpet or wall to drag myself there, but whatever I touched I went through, as if I were a ghost. So me my sister and the random black and white cat just watched the two old women die. The cat, besides the two old women, was the only one that could move, but the cat didn't know what to do, so it just stayed right in between me and my sister. I felt extremely sad when I woke up. What does this dream mean?

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